The Interschool Governing Board (IGB) was initiated by the Student Affairs Committee of the Columbia University Senate in direct response to the specific student concerns and expressed needs of student groups whose composition and mission do not fall under the immediate jurisdiction of already existing governing boards or individual school councils for recognition and funding by Columbia.

The IGB is dedicated to supporting such student organizations in their efforts to bridge gaps between various academic disciplines at Columbia by creating a dynamic sense of community that facilitates multi-disciplinary programming and dialogue. 

The IGB is part of Columbia’s student government which is responsible for recognizing and funding student groups on campus not already covered by a school, program, student council or government, the Activities Board at Columbia, or the Student Governing Board. Our groups have a broad range of functions, including pre-professional, academic, competition, cultural, special interest, performance, publication, media, performing arts, and large-scale events.

  • Representing and serving the interests of our groups
  • Making recommendations for new group recognition to the Columbia administration
  • Allocating funds and approving expenditures of recognized groups
  • Setting funding and policy guidelines for recognized groups
  • De-recognizing defunct groups
  • Fostering dialogue and communication among Columbia’s individual schools
  • Providing an opportunity for graduate schools to collaborate and combine skill sets to cultivate accelerated academic and social environments
  • Providing a network for otherwise distinct and separate schools to unify
  • Promoting collaboration between graduate and undergraduate schools expressing similar goals and projects
  • Coordinating consistent student group policies and entitlements
  • Linking and maintaining relationships with all school and program councils and student governments